Special moments; Celebrating lives

Life is a special gift from God to mankind. It is such that it must be harnessed since it is only lived once till death do you part. At various stages of growth, certain requirements are meant while some people are lucky to achieve more than life's requirements. 
Our life requirements are filled with moments which are craved into memories. When these requirements are meant, they create success filled with joy and become an achievement which is most times celebrated by the individual, family members, friends, colleagues or even the society on their behalf.
 Some of the worth celebrating celebrations that occur in one way or the other in our lives are baby naming ceremonies, successful completion of one's examination, successful completion of one's schooling, promotion in work places, wedding ceremonies, anniversaries, birthday celebration, successful business transactions, e.t.c.
Our daily life is worth celebrating. Been able to wake up, carry out daily  routines both indoor and outdoor is a huge achievement we most times barely realize. what we are able to make out of the life we live often times define us. It becomes a stepping milestone to greater us. Little by little begot big & greater things such is the principle of life. Not all are opportune to be born with a silver spoon. It make life more meaningful that it should be cherished and not looked down on while those given the privilege of been born with the silver spoon rather than abuse it should make useful meaning from it. Rather than hate life, be happy with what you have and buckle up, for the struggle isn't always over. Rather it gets even more tougher, for it is always better to celebrate the life you have rather than lament over the life you never had. For it doesn't make the other person better but unique as you are. 
So I implore you to value your life no matter what and make it worth celebrating.💕💖💕


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